No-code, no-money
by Misha Milnikov

Integrating multiple no-code services into a working product to complete business needs. 
To test ideas, automate processes, build interface for your data.

To see these products in action please contact
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Tilda for payments, GoogleSheets for backend, Glide for frontend + TelegramBot Enhancing Productivity Through Collaborative Silent Work

Meetings to plan next hour's tasks and engage in focused co-working sessions. With TSSS, users can work alongside others in silence, while still having the option to interact visually if desired.

Key Features:
  1. Collaborative Silent Work:
    • Connect with like-minded individuals who prefer working in silence.
    • Utilize virtual libraries in Google Meetings for focused co-working sessions.
    • Enhance productivity by creating a conducive work environment.
  2. Task Planning:
    • Discuss and plan tasks for the upcoming hour with fellow users.
    • Set goals and priorities collaboratively to stay on track with your work.
  3. Visual Interaction:
    • Opt to see other users in the virtual library for a sense of presence.
    • Foster a sense of community while working independently.

Studies have shown that collaborative silent work environments can boost productivity by up to 30%, and TSSS is leading the way in harnessing this potential for users worldwide 
